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Decision & Direction, 2016


I read the book “The Road”. This book, by Cormac McCarthy, was awarded the Pulitzer, Prize for fiction in 2007. It is about the journey of a father and son to find a secure place to survive. Following some kind of world apocalypse, the land is filled with ash and devoid of living animals and vegetation. Many of the remaining human survivors have resorted to cannibalism, scavenging for survival. The son’s mother was pregnant at the time of the disaster, but she gave up hope and committed suicide. After this the father and son started a journey to find food and place to survive by heading south to the coast. Basically this book describes what happens to them while they are travelling: they face dangerous situations and see the reality of the miserable, amoral and hopeless world. 

I tried to derive a meaningful message from the book, and I could extract the words “Decision and Direction”. I think “decision and direction” are crucial in life because we are faced with decision and of lesser or greater importance continually throughout the day. whatever I do, wherever I am, following different directions and having different results and every decision leads to a different direction. We are continually shaping the direction of our lives by the decisions we make. But how far are our decisions independent or influenced by any number of things? Every day, every moment, whatever I do, where so that decision and direction represent journey of life. 

I want to engage decision and direction my book project and I try to show implicated objects using installation work.  

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